Association that promotes broad-leaved forest
Ekfrämjandet is a nonprofit association formed in 1944. Its mission is to promote proper maintenance of deciduous forest and mainly work for the conservation of oak and other broadleaf trees in the Swedish countryside. Ekfrämjandet will also initiate training and research, encourage increased use of hardwood and reward individuals who made good efforts primarily for broadleaved trees such as elm (Ulmus glabra), ash (Fraxinus excelcior), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), beech (Fagus sylvatica), common oak (Quercus robur), sessile oak (Q. petraea), wild cherry (Prunus avium), lime (Tilia cordata) and Norway maple (Acer platanoides). In Sweden these trees are called ”ädla lövträd” (’noble trees’). Members in Ekfrämjandet are companies, organizations and individuals with interest in deciduous forest. Common oak is the dominating tree among the broadleaves in Sweden. The northern limit of its natural range in Sweden is Dalälven.
Excursions and study tours.
In connection with the annual society meeting in September the society arranges excursions to deciduous forests and visits to wood processing industries. These activities have attracted great attention and appreciation. In recent years, Ekfrämjandet also has organized study tours to France, Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Hungary. Many of our oak woods are of Central European provenance. It has been very useful to exchange experiences in the deciduous forest management and conservation in these countries.
Ekbladet (ISSN 0283-4839), is published annually and distributed to all members. It contains information of activities in Ekfrämjandet but also research papers on all deciduous forests and their management, economics and environment. In connection with Ekfrämjandet’s 50th anniversary in 1994 a book was released entitled Ekfrämjandet 50 år (1944-1994) – Lund, 1994 (ISBN 91-630-2841-7). Ädla lövträd i dagens och framtidens skog – Lund 1996 (ISBN 91-630-4158-8) is a summary of the presentations and discussions held at a conference in Kristianstad 1995.
Additional information
Anyone wishing to know more about Ekfrämjandet or to become a member can contact the chairman, Professor Thomas Thörnqvist (tel. +46 (0)70-508 38 39, , the secretary, forester Frida Jonsson, The Swedish Forest Agency, (+46(0)481 482 51) or PhD Mats Hannerz, editor of Ekbladet, Kalmar (+46(0)70 528 85 54). Ekfrämjandet also has an Internet site ekframjandet.se where current information is given.